

Documented: the view, walking on water, good ole' me, camp food, pulling faces, obligatory group photo, unbiological sibling

It's always great to get away from the reality of a piled stack load of homework and escape family feuds, even if it is for a night and 2 days. Recap of our last camp ever: Belting out songs en route to site, reminisced, cried, reflected, cried, late night snacking, struggles to sleep, early morning, reflected, died on the way home. Take note that these pictures may have stated other wise.


VIVID 2013

Documented: luna on opera, custom house, custom house numero duas, mca (ph. courtesy of my papa)

After waiting a year for this event to take place (seeing as I missed it first time round due to parking) and nearly missing it again this time, cheers for not learning from your own mistakes Jocelyn, it turned out successful! For all those who missed out this year: Make attempts to go next year and do not, I repeat, do not, take your own vehicle or you will get pregnant and die [yes, I did just quote Mean Girls.] But in all seriousness, go!


Topshop tee, River Island maxi skirt, Doctor Martens-esque maroon, Rubi satchel (ph. courtesy of Abbey)

I take my bowler hat off to all the models out there. In sum up, scouting locations: Finding gems, standing in front of the camera: Hard-as-hell!